
so clean




work work work work work money money  money.

I need to change my outlook starting now.


 Grand Arc Hanzomon

I'm loving my vacation so far. I can feel my skin coming back to life.
Trying to get rid of the dark circles that started forming when working in Seoul.


Life is good.


Feist - Inside and Out

This song opened up past memories of my childhood and college.
It made me feel oh so good inside. Personally, though, I don't think it's healthy
to keep my past in any high regard. However, it gave me perspective of the present and to live in this beautiful present.


My new favorite thing. 

I got excited all over again.

Recently, I was getting sick and tired of all the old things in my hard drive. Ironically, I feel that my computer is in sync with my mood. It crashed...it stopped working and I had to go the the apple store ( or more like the a# shop) to reboot and erase everything in my hard drive. Surprisingly, I didn't feel deep remorse or anger. I was more like ...."okay, do it!" I might regret this later, but for now, I am giddy over it. You may call me crazy. :)

It feels so refreshing to know that I can start new and not have to worry about what's important and what I should trash... Do I really need this?  Honestly, I'm a bit of a hoarder especially with odd things.
I remember I used to collect stamps (even ugly, useless, and boring ones), gel pens, notebooks ( i really liked papers of all sorts and the textures that they existed in), and panties....yes pretty, cute ones when I was really little. I used to think that they were too pretty to wear so I resorted to collecting them. My mom and sister found them in my cabinet and ridiculed me. I didn't care though. I think it was years later I was shocked to see that they were still there! I had completely forgotten about them. I quickly threw them away of course ( and they weren't used! I'm not that nasty).
1. because they were useless and sizes way to small. 
2. I had too many collections to keep up with this one. 
3. They didn't have the appeal they once did when I was younger. I guess my taste had become "more refined". HAHA

Anyways, My laptop feels like new is all I'm trying to say. I hope I don't make a clutter of this hard drive.


I plan on going to Japan. I have been racking my head about whether I should go visit family at home or stay on this side of the earth and save. I don't want to think anymore but just do. I remember when I used to just DO instead of just contemplating nonstop.




So I recently talked with a friend who told me about this documentary about food consumption in America and what the food industry is pumping out to it's country. It definitely something to watch and reflect on.
