T shaped yellow heart? Yes, anything is possible in dreams.
For some reason, I'm no longer the protagonist in my own dreams. Or maybe figuratively I am, but I just haven't realized it yet.
So, I am watching what seems to be an intense war occurring. The militia's (who were once people) mission is to steal the hearts of humankind making them emotionless. For what reason, I couldn't really figure out. The thing is, how they took the hearts out of individuals were with a huge machinery gun that sucked out a spiritual sort of yellow T-shaped essence.
There is a mother, son, and undaunted daughter
( Who at first, I thought was spoiled and annoying, but now realize was trying to find her own individuality and her identity). They are in an old, run-down storage room and eating some type of porridge/soup which looks delicious. I guess given the situation they were in, they were eating it like it was precious ambrosia. Therefore, enhancing the appearance of its taste.
Later, the Mother is captured by the militia, and her heart is taken out. Somehow, the Mother becomes the leader of the whole brigade and sends out her mass heart suckers to capture the humans who still have their hearts, including her children. But instead of sucking their hearts out, she makes them sit in two different kumbayah-style circles.
The rest is kind of a blur, but I do remember that the son was trying to lead the group of humans or organize them so they wouldn't do something irrational. However, the daughter tries to run away, and this starts an uproar among the other humans causing a rebellion.
As all hell breaks loose, people scrambling, the Mother takes action sending the militia to suck out everyone's heart.
(I remember seeing in the background these spiritual T-shapes entering into the machinery. It was such an odd thing to see) The Mother seeks out the daughter specifically, because , ironic as it was with her heart no longer present, the Mother still had ill emotions towards the Daughter for her previous actions and the pains she had caused her.
The last thing I remember was that the daughter was huddled amongst some poles near a wall. She was behind some sort of construction tables.
These dreams I have are getting more vivid. I actually like them, too.